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Updated: May 12, 2023

Prologue: I am Mriganka Banerjee, a 26 year old male, living with Bipolar Mood Disorder. Let me take you through a typical Friday in my head and we’ll see how much of it you can relate with and how much seems alien. Let’s just say it’s the millenial life with a twist!

- 6:50 am - “Ugh, why is this alarm so damn annoying?”

- 7:00 am - “This alarm again... Okay, another new day, let the day unfold!”

- 7:01 am - “Oh wait! Today’s friday! No gym today. I wish I’d remembered that. Could’ve slept longer.”

- 7:02 am - ““


- 8:00 am - “I’m gonna be so late!”

- 8:59 am - “Phew! Punched in right on time!”

- 10:00 am - “I want to go home.”

- 10:05 am - “I need coffee.”

- 10:07 am - “Woot! Woot! A long line at the pantry. Guess I have a good excuse for being away?”

- 10: 32 am - “Amazing coffee. Amazing chat with Sheldon. Let’s get to work!”

- 11:47 am - “I’m so productive! I should be the employee of the decade or something.”

- 11:55 am - “Okay, so if the meeting starts now and lunch is at 1, it definitely won’t overshoot.”

- 12:10 pm - “I want to go home!”

- 12:25 pm - “Man, this guy can talk a whole load of garbage about trends or something.”

- 12:26 pm - “I’m pretty sure it’s 1 already. Lemme sneakily check my watch —- Whaaaaaaat?”

- 12:42 pm - “I wanna go home!!!”

- 12:55 pm - “Please stop talking.”

- 1:12 pm - “Finally!”

- 2:00 pm - “What a wholesome lunch that was! The canteen should have egg curry everyday! Should I pitch that?”

- 3:43 pm - “More coffee? More coffee!”

- 4:28 - “I can’t go out for drinks with this coffee stain. I wish I’d worn a dark colour. I’m gonna wear black everyday!”

- 5:12 - “I wanna go ho..whoa - bar”

- 5:24 pm - “Okay, 36 minutes and no overtime today thankfully. That makes sense since the boss is also coming for drinks today.”

- 6:07 pm - “Why do these people take so long to wrap up? Makes me look like a slacker.”

- 7:32 pm - “I cannot believe it took that long in traffic to travel 2 km! Anyway, glad we’re here.”

- 8:54 pm - “Am I tipsy from water? I’ll dance now!”

- 9:33 pm - “I wonder how much more I’d need to earn if I drank alcohol or cola for that matter? Good for me though, smaller tab.”

- 10:04 pm - “My feet hurt from the dancing man! Water to the rescue, though.”

- 10:42 pm - “Again with the traffic. I wanna go home!”

- 10:57 pm - “Finally, I’m home! Wait, new messages? How long have I not checked my phone?”

- 10:59 pm - “Okay. Texted Cuddles. No Netflix and Chill this Sunday. Pity.”

- 11:02 pm - “Where did I keep my medicines?”

- 3:49 am - “One more chapter and then I sleep!”

Epilogue: My life is slightly different from yours. I do have much of the same routine, and maybe my struggles are different, but I define how bipolar affects me and not the other way around. I live a completely normal life and I urge you to normalise my condition like I have. If you know someone living with Bipolar Mood Disorder, know that they are just like you, just living with something that they had no control over, but are trying each day to take control over. Things may get unusual sometimes, but it’s okay and we try our best to seek out the right kind of help for maintaining our lifestyles and do our best to live life to the fullest. If you liked the story or had any thoughts you’d like to mention, visit the comment section!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mriganka Banerjee is a Individual Contributor at He has worked full time for 4 years in the Digital Media space in EdTech. He specialises in all round user engagement and satisfaction.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental disorder. The information provided on this blog should not be used to diagnose or treat any mental health problems. This blog and its contents are provided "as is" without any representations or warranties, express or implied. The author and publisher disclaim any liability or responsibility for any loss, injury, or damage incurred as a result of the use or reliance upon the information and advice provided on this blog. All views expressed on this blog are the author's individual opinion, and we do not endorse their views, and the platform Zen-Brain takes no responsibility for the veracity of the information provided on this blog.

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Venkatesh ramanujam
Venkatesh ramanujam

Nice article Mriganka, liked the way you wrote

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